The term women empowerment entails the need to uplift the status of women economically, socially, and politically. India, a country of different cultures, religions, and colors, has a lot of work to do to make that dream a reality. Though the scenario continues to change for the better, we still have to go a long way to go before women can attain equality in all facets of society. Background Over the past few years, women empowerment in India has become a huge topic of discussion owing to the persistent efforts of NGOs to keep the issue in the limelight. Though the government has launched several programs for the upliftment of the status of women in the country, it has been a little slow when it comes to implementation. NGOs for women play a crucial role in bringing various issues such as the exploitation of women to the notice of the government and the judiciary. Focus Areas For NGOs NGOs play an imperative role in promoting voluntary actions by the general population that a...