Gender problems are rampant around the world, but here in India, we have a unique mix of gender discrimination and discrimination on the basis of caste as well. NGOs working for women empowerment in India, at such a juncture, encourage women to participate in the social and political sectors that are generally discriminatory on the basis of gender. This, in turn, sets the foundation stone for progressive change and development. Women empower NGOs, therefore, help women and girls uphold the rights provided by the constitution and legislation in India. Continuing on the subject, in this blog, we outline the impact of NGOs on women empowerment in India. Read on.
Providing Personality Development Training
NGOs train girls and women from backward communities and give them the opportunity to work independently for improving their social and monetary status. They also instill a sense of leadership and accountability to help women take ownership of their lives and steer their career in any direction they aspire to. Nutrition is another key aspect that is often covered under personality development because inculcating the right eating habits is key to a healthy and long life. Without a healthy body and mind, pursuing goals and making progress is rather impossible.Increasing Legal Awareness
The lack of legal awareness among women has led to increased domestic violence and oppression for ages. Recognising the need to make women aware of their rights and privileges, NGOs are working with women to raise awareness regarding their legal rights. They educate women on the legal standing of law, the constitution, and special regional privileges that can be enjoyed by women.Promoting Fair Trade
NGOs help women by cutting out the middlemen between the producers and the end-users.They provide credit to pave the way for social justice and empowerment. NGOs target and help women by providing credits at fair rates as they have a history of being better re-payers of loans. Women farmers NGOs also provide support in terms of facilitating loans at low interest rates to procure agricultural lands as well.
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