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3 Barriers to Women’s Empowerment in India & How NGOs are Making a Difference

 Latest studies reveal that women, despite accounting for half of the global population, only take home a tenth of the global income. Be it income or education disparity, women and girl children in India often have to navigate a path riddled with insurmountable obstacles. This is especially true in the case of the people living in rural regions, accounting for two thirds of the country’s total population. While the Indian government has introduced several initiatives and enacted laws geared towards promoting women empowerment, the different grassroots level programmes and execution done by NGOs working for education and women's health is invaluable. Read on as we discuss three barriers to women empowerment in India and how NGOs for women are making a difference. 

Female Infanticide 

Aborting female fetuses after determining sex is a common practice observed across the country. While the rate of female infanticide has come down over the years, the practice is rampant across rural India and amongst economically marginalised populations. Despite strict laws such as the PC-PNDT Act against determining the sex of an unborn child, sex selective abortions are still being performed illegally. Patriarchal norms and male domination in rural households often leaves women with little to no choice over important matters such as pregnancy termination. Through awareness programmes and self-help groups (SHGs) organized by women empowerment NGOs, control and eradication of female infanticide can be achieved sooner. 

Education Disparity 

In most typical Indian households, education of male children is given higher priority over that of girl children. As we venture down the economic ladder, the problem becomes more persistent. Even recent studies have uncovered the fact that female illiteracy is high across rural populations in the country. Due to such neglect in respect of educating girl children, they grow up dependent on male members of the household for their livelihood. NGOs working for education and women are helping girl children from rural regions in India get better access to education. Apart from educating children, women NGOs are also offering training programmes for grown women looking to become literate and pursue employment opportunities. 

Violence Against Women 

Fearing violence and harassment, women and girl children exclude themselves from several fabrics of the society. In many parts of rural India, girl children avoid going to schools altogether in order to remain safe. Apart from the violence faced from external entities or individuals, women are subject to abuse from family in the form of dowry harassment or wife-battering. It is also common news that women are subjected to violence and exploitation at work, discouraging many from seeking employment. Women NGOs, at such a juncture, are creating a safe space for girl children and women to attend school or pursue fulfilling work opportunities. 

Wrap Up 

Since time immemorial, women have been at the receiving end of poor treatment, discrimination, and exclusion in various parts of society. Though the government is discharging its duty by passing laws and launching initiatives that foster women empowerment, NGOs are working hand-in-hand with government agencies through various programmes and pushing the agenda of women empowerment forward. If you are looking to contribute towards women empowerment, reach out to a trusted NGO in India that is doing credible work in the realm of women's health and education. 


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